Change in Price of Graphic Card RTX 3090 with respect to the Bitcoin Price
Last Update:December,22,2021 Created:December,22,2021
Title of the dataset | Change in Price of Graphic Card RTX 3090 with respect to the Bitcoin Price |
Provenance of the dataset | Myself |
How were the data collected/created? What was the cost? | Collect from related websites |
Data sharing policy | Shareable for research purpose |
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About data analysis and simulation
Type of data: Check all that apply. Use "Other" to specify other types so that we can include them in further updates. | graph number series |
Variable labels of dataset (the names of the variables) | Bitcoin price, RTX 3090 price, time (year, month, date) |
Outline of data | As more and more people become interested in cryptocurrencies such as BTC, many have chosen to do mining by themselves. CPUs and GPUs are crucial for mining process, therefore graphic cards with high performance (such as RTX 3090) are inclined to become sold-out due to the miners of BTC. As a result, the supply and the demand of such graphic cards have become extremely unbalanced, causing the rise in the price of graphic cards. However, when the BTC value drops, the demand for high performance graphic cards would decrease, causing the price of graphic cards to become closer to normal level. Both the price data of RTX 3090 and BTC price could be easily obtained online. |
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