- Last Update:February,18,2021 Created:February,18,2021
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Title of the dataset | 料理と健康 |
Provenance of the dataset | 自身のスマートフォン、勤務先 |
How were the data collected/created? What was the cost? | スマートフォンから取得、勤務先の勤怠システムから取得 |
Data sharing policy | Under particular condition. |
Data sharing policy |
About data analysis and simulation
Type of data: Check all that apply. Use "Other" to specify other types so that we can include them in further updates. | number |
Variable labels of dataset (the names of the variables) | 料理のレシピ|料理の献立|食卓を囲んだ人数|自炊した回数|買い物に費やした費用|エンゲル係数|出社した日数|出社の際関わった人数 |
Outline of data | 提出者の食生活と仕事で接触した人物に関するデータ |
Simulation process | |
Expected outcome of the process (obtained knowledge, analysis results, output of tools) | |
Anticipation for analyses/simulations other than the typical ones provided above |
Comments | |
What kind of data/tools do you wish to have? | |
Visualized information | |
Sample data |
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