My body stats during everyday exercise

  • Last Update:July,8,2019 Created:July,8,2019
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Title of the dataset My body stats during everyday exercise
Provenance of the dataset myself
How were the data collected/created? What was the cost? smart watch with sensors
Data sharing policy With anyone.
Data sharing policy free to use

About data analysis and simulation

Type of data: Check all that apply. Use "Other" to specify other types so that we can include them in further updates. series table
Variable labels of dataset (the names of the variables) time(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)|pulse|heat|steps|weight
Outline of data To lose weight, I do many kinds of exercise such as swimming, basketball, running, and strength training.I often wear a smart watch to record my pulse,heat and steps which can be gathered to my phone. The stored data may contain various information that could help me improve my exercise methods.
Simulation process Aerobic exercise may be the most efficent way to lose weight.
Expected outcome of the process (obtained knowledge, analysis results, output of tools) In which kind of exercise my body state remain the most steady, and why is that.
Anticipation for analyses/simulations other than the typical ones provided above In which kind of exercise can I lose most weight in the same exercise time.


Comments If more kinds of dataset were required, I would be happy to provide.
What kind of data/tools do you wish to have? data visualization tool.
Visualized information
Sample data

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