Type of data: Check all that apply. Use "Other" to specify other types so that we can include them in further updates. |
Variable labels of dataset (the names of the variables) |
急行か各停かの電車の種類|曜日|乗降者数|時刻|行き先 |
Outline of data |
急行や各停の本数の違い、あるいは頻度または行き先によって混雑度がどの程度変化するのかを調べる |
Simulation process |
各要素の乗降者数に与える影響をコレスポンデンス分析等で調べる |
Expected outcome of the process (obtained knowledge, analysis results, output of tools) |
混雑の予測や緩和 |
Anticipation for analyses/simulations other than the typical ones provided above |
Comment form