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  1. This site ( is administered by Ohsawa laboratory, The University of Tokyo. We promote the appropriate management of personal information by enforcing Site Policy ( and Privacy Policy of The University of Tokyo, School of Engineering.
  2. Your Data Jackets will be open in public, but your personal information (the name and the email address) will not be open, and be strictly secured. However, since Data Jackets are designed to be opened to the public, please make sure you provide only the information that you are pleased to share. Your Data Jackets will be used to the data utilization workshop Innovators Marketplace on Data Jackets (IMDJ), the retrieval system DJ Store, or the academic articles and papers, following the Privacy Policy of The University of Tokyo, School of Engineering.
  3. Data Jackets which have been described on the Web page, are all sent as public. In addition, we manage private (use only in each company) Data Jackets by the stand-alone.
  4. Please input your Data Jackets information which could be public. If you want your Data Jackets used in private, please download the Data Jackets Entry Form ( and send us the form with a password. In this case, you may pay for the actual cost for registration.
  5. In order to obtain advantages of Data Jackets and Innovators Marketplace on Data Jackets (IMDJ), please submit Data Jackets in public. The merit of submitting a private Data Jacket is only for practicing in-house. If you plan to practice IMDJ in-house and ask us for dealing, please prepare a joint research procedure (which will charge the research costs) or donations. Amount of money depending on the consultation by the contents.